每天上班, 下班, 然后回家照顾调皮的小猪.. 一位简单的妈妈, 还有一个可爱的小猪的故事.... 也在网上卖卖东西, 多赚点牛奶费... 有适合就来看看 http://ismooi1128.blogspot.com
那天, 妈咪眼睛可真的痛的不行了!结果去看了眼科医生了!原来这一次是红眼病...要吃药的!给了妈咪一堆药, 一天要吃12粒!哇!!!!刚再去复诊...还是要再吃药,医生要妈咪三天后再来!哎....快快好咯!
Kesian you, Siew Mooi..has to eat so many medicine. If me, sure pengsan liao!!Please take k and hope you will recover soon.
12 per day!!!~~ cham~~~get well soon ya..
3 评论:
Kesian you, Siew Mooi..has to eat so many medicine. If me, sure pengsan liao!!
Please take k and hope you will recover soon.
12 per day!!!~~ cham~~~
get well soon ya..